Configuring the Datto Networking Autotask integration

NAVIGATION  Partner Portal > Networking Status > Network Manager > Configure > Autotask Integration

SECURITY  Autotask security level with permission to create tickets. Refer to Service Desk security settings.

The integration between Datto Networking and Autotask enables you to manage select alerts from Datto Network Manager and create Configuration Items (assets) for your networking devices in your Autotask database.

The Datto Networking integration offers the following benefits:

  • Your Datto networks are mapped to companies in your Autotask database.
  • You can select which Datto Networking alerts will automatically generate tickets in Autotask.
  • Alert ticket fields are pre-populated based on the editable settings in the system Datto Networking Alert ticket category.
  • Autotask workflow rules can use the Created from Datto Network Manager Alert condition.
  • TheCreated from Datto Network Manager Alert condition is available for filtering and display in Autotask widgets and grids.
  • Datto Networking device inventory will seamlessly sync your Autotask Configuration Item inventory as you onboard, move, or offboard networking devices.

This article explains how to set up the integration in Datto Network Manager. For details about how to configure your Autotask instance to support the integration, refer to Autotask Online Help: The Datto Networking Integration. To learn how to re-authenticate an Autotask integration that is no longer syncing as a result of credential changes, review our   article.

IMPORTANT  This feature is only available to customers who have received the Autotask 2023.4 update. View the release schedule in the Autotask release notes.

Before you begin

To complete this process, you'll need the following items.

  • Access to the Datto network you'd like to connect to Autotask.

  • An understanding of which Datto networks correspond with each of your Autotask companies.

  • An active Autotask user account with permission to create tickets.

  • Knowledge of the Autotask ticket priorities you will use for Critical, Major, and Minor severity alerts from Datto Network Manager.
