Deploying the Datto Networking Kaseya BMS integration

NAVIGATION  Partner Portal > Networking Status > Network Manager > Configure > BMS Integration

The Kaseya BMS integration provides mutual customers native ticket dispatch from Datto Network Manager into your PSA, enabling you to forgo email parsing and achieve tighter, richer workflows for the tools within your software stack.

This article describes how to set up the integration.


Using the Datto Networking Integration to create ticket alerts offers the following benefits:

  • You can select which Datto Networking alerts will automatically generate alert tickets in BMS on a per-organization basis.

  • Datto Networking Alert Severity values can be mapped to BMS ticket priorities.

How to...

To activate the integration between Datto Networking and BMS, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Partner Portal > Networking Status > Network Manager > Configure > BMS Integration.

  2. Input your BMS server URL, username, and password.

  3. Click Save.

  4. Map the Datto Networks to their respective BMS organization records.

  5. Configure your ticket alerts as follows:

    1. At either the Network Alert Settings or Global Alert Settings level, select the Datto Networking alerts that will create BMS tickets

    2. Map the Network Manager Alert Severity values to the desired BMS ticket priorities.