MP60 release notes
This article contains all firmware release notes for the Datto MP60. To ensure proper product operation, We recommend keeping your MP60's firmware updated to the latest release.
NOTE MP60s not upgraded to firmware version 6.4.16 will not check in, preventing device management, reporting, and automatic upgrades.
Datto Managed Power MP60
Release Notes
Release 2019-10-18
Version 6.5.3
Improved HTTP fallback handling when the primary server check-in fails
Bug Fixes:
Resolved an issue that caused multiple changes to Scheduled Actions to not take effect after the first configuration
Vulnerability Fixes:
- Updated the Linux kernel to address the TCP Sack Panic vulnerabilities (as documented in CVE-2019-11477, CVE-2019-11478, CVE-2019-11479)
- Updated OpenSSL to address CVE-2019-1559
Release 2019-05-15
Version 6.5.2
Bug Fixes:
Resolved Known Issue: Rarely, an MP60 might boot without DNS resolution. Rebooting the device should resolve the issue.
Known Issues:
Subsequent configurations of Scheduled Actions do not take effect after the first configuration. Rebooting the MP60 resolves this issue.
Release 2019-2-11
Version 6.4.16
- Added the default server for time synchronization.
- Updated Datto Networking Portal SSL certificates.
- Improved HTTP fallback handling when the primary server check-in fails.
- Introduced support for events and alerts
Bug Fixes:
- Resolved an issue which could cause MP60s to check in every ten minutes instead of every five minutes.
- Resolved an issue in which the date defaulted to February 5, 2017, on first boot, causing check-in failure when NTP is broken.
Vulnerability Fixes:
- Update curl to address CVE-2018-16839 and CVE-2018-16842 on ng6.4.x
Known Issues:
- Rarely, an MP60 might boot without DNS resolution. Rebooting the device should resolve the issue.
- Subsequent configurations of Scheduled Actions do not take effect after the first configuration. Rebooting the MP60 resolves this issue.
Release 2018-8-15
Version 6.4.12
The Ping Test now uses ICMP instead of HTTP + Curl to communicate to devices.
Bug Fixes:
Resolved an issue where scheduled events failed to occur.
Release 2018-6-7
Version 6.4.9
- Improved mechanisms to more accurately report surge depletion.
- Improved reliability of reading individual port state.
Known issues:
If a port is disabled, and a schedule is configured to power cycle that port, the port will temporarily be enabled until the next check-in.
Release 2018-5-1
Version 6.4.8
The default power cycle delay (the time from power off to power on when a user power cycles an individual port) is now 5 seconds.
Bug Fixes:
- Resolved an issue where the LED on the MP60 blinked white indefinitely, despite checking in successfully.
- Resolved an issue where multiple simultaneous scheduled actions fail to execute as expected.
Known Issues:
- When switching between Ethernet/WiFi modes, the LED will not change color immediately.
- If the MP60 is rebooted, all device ping tests will fail while the MP60 is booting up. All devices associated with a ping test will have its outlet power cycled.
- If the maintenance window is set to 24 hours, the ping test will never fail, as it does not run by default during a maintenance window.
Release 2018-4-26 (Initial Release)
Version 6.4.6
Initial release