Legacy Open Mesh: How Do I Manually Flash Firmware on My Open Mesh Switch?
How do I manually flash firmware on my Open Mesh switch?
- Open Mesh Switches
Manually flashing firmware on the switches is more complicated than with our access points or routers, as there is not an out-of-the-box tool that does all actions for you. You'll need to be aware of the switch's IP address, and know how to use SSH and setup a TFTP server on your local network.
Generally this should only be done as a last resort. If your switch can check into CloudTrax, it is simpler to have the switch upgrade via CloudTrax instead.
Switch Manual Flashing Steps
Set up a TFTP Server
- Install and configure a TFTP server. There are a variety of TFTP servers for different operating systems. It is up to you to download and configure a TFTP server for your operating system.
- If there is a firewall between your TFTP server and switch, ensure you allow TFTP traffic through the firewall(UDP Port 69).
- Download the firmware .bix file for your switch to the directory you configured on your TFTP server.
Remote into the switch via SSH.
- Locate the switch's IP address via CloudTrax, your router's DHCP lease list or by doing a ping scan on the local network.
- Attempt to SSH into the switch's IP address.
- Typically SSH is disabled automatically once the switch has checked into CloudTrax. If you cannot SSH into the switch, you'll first need to reset the switch by holding down the reset button for 15 seconds, until all port lights blink and the switch reboots.
- The default username is "admin". To get the default password, please open a support ticket.
Flash the switch firmware
- Once on the switch, run the following command:
copy tftp://<tftp server>/<firmware.bix> flash://image1
- Say Yes, when asked to continue.
- Say No, when asked to reboot.
- Run the following commands:
configure boot system image1 end save reboot
- The switch should reboot and check-in with the new firmware.