Legacy Open Mesh: The User Management System

This article describes the User Management System, which allows for easy management of multiple users, networks, and network groups.


  • CloudTrax


User Management Components

The User Management System can be broken down into the following components:

  • Accounts
  • Users
  • Network Groups
  • Networks


Accounts contain network groups and networks. Users can own an account or be linked to one or more accounts.


Users are linked to an email address when they are created.

  • A user can only have one email address, and an email address can only be associated with one user.
  • Users can own or be linked to multiple accounts.
  • Users can be assigned account roles giving them varying levels of access to the account and its networks.

For more information on managing users, see the article Managing Users in the User Management System.

Network Groups

Network Groups are containers for multiple networks within an account. Every network must be in a network group.


A network contains all settings and devices for a network.

Account Roles

Each user is assigned a role, which determines the actions the user can take on their permitted networks and network groups.

The following table summarizes each account role's general capabilities. An Account Owner is considered an Account Admin, with the additional ability to completely delete the account.

CloudTrax Function

Account Admin

Network Editor

Voucher Editor

Network Viewer

Account Management

User Management

Network Creation/Deletion

Network Configuration

Voucher Management

View hidden network information

Network Permissions

You can limit a user's access to specific networks and network groups by setting their permissions. The capabilities granted by the user's account role applies to all the networks and network groups they are permitted to access. For more information on setting network access permissions, see the article "Managing Users in the User Management System".

Account Admins are automatically granted access to all Networks and Network Groups.