Networks page overview


This article gives an overview of Datto Network Manager's Networks page.

NOTE  For information about the overview page for an individual network, refer to Network Overview page.


  • Datto Network Manager


The Networks page lets you add, configure and manage your Datto networks.

You must create a network before you can add your Datto Networking devices in Network Manager.

Navigating to the Networks page

In the Datto Network Manager Navigation menu, click All Networks.

Figure 1:
The Datto Network Manager menu

Using the Networks page

Switching between networks

Click the network name at the top of the page to open a drop-down menu containing your existing networks.

mceclip0.pngFigure 2: The Networks drop-down

Creating a new network

This option will not be present for users with the 'Network Editor' role. See Datto Network Manager: The User Settings menu for more information on roles.

On the All Networks page, click the Create Network button at the top right-hand corner of the screen.

mceclip1.pngFigure 3: The All Networks page

3. The Create Network wizard will open. Enter the following information:

  • Network name
  • Network group
  • Location
  • Network type
  • Clone network settings (if desired)

Additionally, toggle Application Reporting to on if you would like application reporting on your network. When finished, click the CREATE button.

mceclip2.pngFigure 4: The Create Network Wizard

Datto Network Manager will create your new network, and launch its Network Overview page.

Figure 5:
The new network's Overview page