Datto Network Manager: Getting Started


This article introduces Datto Network Manager and provides an overview of its features.


  • Datto Network Manager


Datto Network Manager is your cloud management platform for configuring and managing Datto networks and networking devices.

Figure 1: The Datto Network Manager Overview page

Accessing Datto Network Manager

In the Datto Partner Portal, click the Status tab, then select Networking Status from the drop-down menu.

Navigating Datto Network Manager

The left navigation Menu

The left navigation menu lets you move between networks, access individual network device types for management and configuration, and access the voucher and client pages. From the navigation menu, you can access the following pages:

Network management:

Network Configuration:

Figure 2: The Navigation menu

The User Settings menu

The User Settings menu, located in the top right of the screen, contains the following options:

  • Users: lets you administer user information and roles
  • Audit Logs: lets you access the Audit Logs feature
  • Logout: lets you log out of Network Manager

Figure 3: The User Settings menu

The Network Information Graph

The Network Information graph gives you at-a-glance information about network performance and usage.

Figure 4: The Network Information graph

Top Applications

The Top Applications card shows which applications are using the largest amounts of your network bandwidth.

Figure 5: Top Applications

Top Clients

The Top Clients card shows the hostname and MAC address of the client devices using the largest amounts of your network bandwidth.

Figure 6: Top Clients

Top Access Points

The Top Access Points card displays the access points over which the largest amounts of network traffic are flowing.

Figure 7: Top Access Points